These reasons including whether to press the stipulation demonstration product, whether to maintain the enough stock and whether to be authorized outside the region to sell. 这些原因包括是否按规定展示产品,是否保持足够的库存和是否在授权区域以外销售。
8% preferred stock,$ 10 par value, call price$ 11 per share, authorized and issued 20 shares 8%优先股,面值10美元,赎回价每股11美元,核定并发行20股
Any amount of stock issued above the capital stock authorized is an illegal stock transaction. 超过额定股本数量的股票发行均为非法股票交易。
Sinopec, as a stock control group with state authorized investment, owns over 100 sub companies with total capital, controlled stocks and shares, and there are operation relations of multi commitment agency or authorized among the investment management levels. 中国石化集团公司作为国家授权投资的控股集团,现有全资子公司、控股和参股子公司、分公司等逾百家,投资管理层次间存在多重委托代理或授权经营关系。
This article introduces some regulations on stock management in the domestic enterprises, emphatically describes determination method for safe stock with probability calculation, provides extremely effective method in determining safe product stock for car makers and their authorized distributors. 文章介绍了国内企业通常对库存管理的一些规定,重点介绍了运用概率方法确定安全库存的方法,为轿车企业及其经销商确定安全库存提供了非常有效的方法。